17776: an American football story Wiki
17776: an American football story Wiki

The Bowl Game is a game of football designed by Juice and played between 111 college football teams and containing 111 footballs. The game ends when one team is in possession of all 111 footballs.


Rules are available in pdf form at https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/21937939/Rule_Book.pdf, from Chapter 4 of 20020.

The playable field for this game is created by all participating teams' home fields, extended lengthwise until reaching an ocean or international border. Players that leave the playable area are permanently removed from the game if their time out of bounds is longer than 10 seconds. Players can earn extra seconds of out-of-bounds time (OBT) by staying on the field, at a ratio of 1 second OBT for 1 year on the field. These seconds are then expended when the player goes out of bounds, and must be re-earned.

Each team is composed of 100 'standard' players, free to roam on any field, and 25 'defensive' players, who must remain on their home field. Teams can reassign their players every New Year's Day.

By default, teams operate under 'free play' rules and players are free to wander. However, a team enters scrimmage play if a team encounters, identifies, and issues a verbal challenge to an opposing team in possession of a football, while within 50 yards of each other. Scrimmage play operates like traditional football, albeit with no limits on the number of players on either side. Both teams return to free play if the ball carrier goes 24 hours without being tackled.

In scrimmage play, third parties must stay a mile from the line of scrimmage, and can only participate if the offense makes a big play on the defense. If they are able to tackle the ball carrier, they replace the original defending team.

Ball carriers in free play are not required to make themselves known to other teams, and teams are not allowed to blindly issue challenges, at risk of penalty if no other team is present. This combination of rules makes stealth play possible.

A ball is considered to be in a team's possession if it is on their home field, regardless of who may be carrying it or if it is being carried at all. Teams are given a live tracker showing how many footballs are on their home field and the rankings of all teams. They cannot see every team's individual ball count.

Motorized air or water vehicles are prohibited, as are cannons or similar mechanisms. There are no restrictions on non-motorized air or water vehicles, such as rowboats or hang gliders. Players in free play can use land vehicles for distances of only 100 yards, with 24 hours between uses. Additionally, scrimmage play cannot be applied in water.

Known Players[]

Team-Specific Notes[]

Although Michigan State is shown to be first place on the scoreboard, the University of Alabama-Birmingham has control of the most footballs at 17. These footballs don't appear on the scoreboard because they're stored in the Stannard Rock Lighthouse, 200 yards off their field in Lake Superior.

The only three-way intersection in the game is between Washington, Eastern Michigan, and Bowling Green. It is located just outside Hillsboro, Ohio.

Despite their field's lack of intersection with any other field, San Diego State is still able to participate thanks to OBT. Because the distance between their field's southernmost point and Boise State's is 8581 yards, players could cross the distance by saving up OBT.

The University of Hawai'i was originally considered for this game but was removed with the decision to consider ocean territories out of bounds.


External Links[]